site of Community importance means a site which, in the biogeographical region or regions to which is belongs, contributes significantly to the maintenance or restoration at a favourable conservation status of a natural habitat type in Annex I or of a species in Annex II and may also contribute significantly to the coherence of Natura 2000 referred to in Article 3, and/or contributes significantly to the maintenance of biological diversity within the biogeographic region or regions concerned.
For animal species ranging over wide areas, sites of Community importance shall correspond to the places within the natural range of such species which present the physical or biological factors essential to their life and reproduction;
Source: Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.
Irritation and corrosion are local effects, i.e. changes occur at the site of first contact of the substance with the skin, eye, or mucous epithelia such as the respiratory tract.
Corrosive substances may destroy living tissues with which they come into contact after single exposure. Irritant substances are non-corrosive substances which, through immediate contact with the tissue under consideration may cause inflammation after single exposure.
Substances that cause irritant effects only after repeated exposure are not classified as irritants. Skin and/or eye irritation refers to the production of fully reversible changes following application of a substance (in the case of eye irritation, when application is performed to the anterior surface of the eye).
Corrosive substances produce irreversible effects such as necrosis through the epidermis and into the dermis, ocular tissue damages or decay of vision.
Chemicals which are classified for respiratory irritation may provoke irritations similar to skin or eye irritations. They may also cause other toxic effects, in relation with interactions with the vegetative nervous system and leading to reflex responses (sneezing, coughing, respiratory symptoms, etc). These effects are reversible. Testing for respiratory irritation is not required under REACH as no validated guidelines are available. Nevertheless, existing and available data that provide evidence of the respiratory irritation potential of a substance should be taken into account.
a sensitiser is an agent that is able to cause an allergic response in susceptible individuals. The allergic reaction occurs if a previous exposure has led to the development of immunity against the substance (i.e. sensitisation step). The effects arise on the occasion of later contact: allergic contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma.,etc.
No information requirements are present under REACH for respiratory sensitisation. However, respiratory sensitisers are indicated for harmonised classification and labelling in article 36 of regulation (EC) no 1272/2008.
Source: REACH
(allergic contact dermatitis) is an immunologically mediated cutaneous reaction to a substance. In the human, the responses may be characterised by pruritis, erythema, oedema, papules, vesicles, bullae or a combination of these. In other species the reactions may differ and only erythema and oedema may be seen.
(allergic contact dermatitis) is an immunologically mediated cutaneous reaction to a substance. In the human, the responses may be characterised by pruritis, erythema, oedema, papules, vesicles, bullae or a combination of these. In other species the reactions may differ and only erythema and oedema may be seen.
eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes that are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Areas of temporary skin discoloration may appear and are sometimes due to healed injuries. Scratching open a healing lesion may result in scarring and may enlarge the rash.
OECD 406/92 Test Guideline is intended primarily for use with guinea pig, but recently mouse models for assessing sensitisation potential have been developed. For the GPMT at least 10 animals in the treatment group and 5 in the control group are used. For the Buehler test, a minimum of 20 animals is used in the treatment group and at least 10 animals in the control group. The test animals are initially exposed to the test substance. Following a rest period, the induction period (10-14 days), during which an immune response may develop, then the animals are exposed to a challenge dose. The GPMT is made during approximately 23-25 days, the Buehler test, during approximately 30-32 days. The concentration of test substance used for each induction exposure should be well-tolerated systemically and should be the highest to cause mild-to moderate skin irritation, for the challenge exposure the highest nonirritant dose should be used. All skin reactions and any unusual findings should be observed and recorded (other procedures may be carried out to clarify doubtful reactions).
The description of the OECD test can be found here.
a rotating cultivation technique in which trees are cut down and burned in order to clear land for temporary agriculture; the land is used until its productivity declines at which point a new plot is selected and the process repeats; this practice is sustainable while population levels are low and time is permitted for regrowth of natural vegetation; conversely, where these conditions do not exist, the practice can have disastrous consequences for the environment.
a thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely divided substances, such as clay particles, soil or sediment, cement or plaster. It is a highly dispersed suspension. Kind of transition from roughly disperse to a fine colloidal system. It can be characterized by relative stability and slow sedimentation.
In the environment it is a fine suspension formed from soil or surface water sediment by resuspension in water. The suspended solid content of the slurries is mainly clay and humus. The contaminant content of these colloidal fine particulate matter can be significant due to their large specific surface. The contaminated solid maybe harmless as soil or bed-sediment, but a hoghly risky contaminant source when interacting with water during resuspension. The sorbed contaminants depending on their partitioning will be desorbed causing pollution in the water phase of the slurry.
Sustainable maNagement of sOil and groundWater under the pressure of soil pollution and soil contaMinAtioN. The objectives of SNOWMAN are to:
1. Review European research activity in the field of protection of soil and groundwater from contamination;
2. Produce a new vision which identifies research needs in this area at the European scale;
3. Develop mechanisms to improve cooperation and coordination between the member states in the delivery of this new research agenda.
a Socio Economic Assessment and Analysis (SEA) may include the following elements:
- Impact of a granted or refused authorisation on the applicant(s), or, in the case of a proposed restriction, the impact on industry (e.g. manufacturers and importers). The impact on all other actors in the supply chain, downstream users and associated businesses in terms of commercial consequences such as impact on investment, research and development, innovation, one-off and operating costs (e.g. compliance, transitional arrangements, changes to existing processes, reporting and monitoring systems, installation of new technology, etc.) taking into account general trends in the market and technology.
- Impacts of a granted or refused authorisation, or a proposed restriction, on consumers. For example, product prices, changes in composition or quality or performance of products, availability of products, consumer choice, as well as effects on human health and the environment to the extent that these affect consumers.
- Social implications of a granted or refused authorisation, or a proposed restriction. For example job security and employment.
- Availability, suitability, and technical feasibility of alternative substances and/or technologies, and economic consequences thereof, and information on the rates of, and potential for, technological change in the sector(s) concerned. In the case of an application for authorisation, the social and/or economic impacts of using any available alternatives.
- Wider implications on trade, competition and economic development (in particular for SMEs and in relation to third countries) of a granted or refused authorisation, or a proposed restriction. This may include consideration of local, regional, national or international aspects.
- In the case of a proposed restriction, proposals for other regulatory or non-regulatory measures that could meet the aim of the proposed restriction (this shall take account of existing legislation). This should include an assessment of the effectiveness and the costs linked to alternative risk management measures.
- In the case of a proposed restriction or refused authorisation, the benefits for human health and the environment as well as the social and economic benefits of the proposed restriction. For example, worker health, environmental performance and the distribution of these benefits, for example, geographically, population groups.
- An SEA may also address any other issue that is considered to be relevant by the applicant(s) or interested party.
Source: REACH regulation
soil itself is very complex. Soil is not just a collection of fine mineral particles. Soil also contains air, water, dead organic matter (litter), and various types of living organisms: microorganisms, plants and soil living animals.
The formation of a soil is influenced by climate, topography, parent material, time and the organisms present. The two most important components of soils are the inorganic and organic colloidal (particle size under cc. 1 micron) particles, the clay fraction and the humus molecules.
Soil particles pack loosely, forming a soil structure filled with pore spaces. These pores contain soil solution (liquid) and air (gas).Accordingly, soils are often treated as a three physical phase system. Most soils have a density between 1 and 2 g/cm³.
Water from precipitate moves downward into the soil, it causes both mechanical and chemical translocations of material. The complete chemical removal of substances from the soil profile is known as leaching. Leached substances often end up in the groundwater zone and then travel by groundwater flow into water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans. Eluviation refers to the movement of fine mineral particles (like clay) or dissolved substances out of an upper layer in a soil profile. The deposition of fine mineral particles or dissolved substances in a lower soil layer is called illuviation.
Soil Classification Systems have been developed to provide scientific and technological information about the nature of a soil found in a particular location. In general, environments that share comparable soil-forming factors produce similar types of soils. This phenomenon makes classification possible. Numerous classification systems are in use worldwide. United States and Canada use different system than Europe. In Hungary the dynamic classification system is used, which is based on the equilibrium developmental state of the soil.
soil acidification is a process whereby soil becomes acid (pH < 7) because acid parent material is present or in regions with high rainfall, where soil leaching occurs. Acidification can be accelerated by human activities such as the use of fertilisers, deposition of industrial and vehicular pollutants.
soil aggregate consisting of two or more soil particles bound together by various forces.
process whereby primary soil particles (sand, silt, clay) are bound together, usually by natural forces, inorganic compounds and organic substances derived from root exudates and microbial activity (mucoidal products). Soil aggregates are arranged to form soil peds, units of soil structure, classified by size, shape (platy, prismatic, columnar, angular, subangular, blocky, granular…) and grade (single-grain, massive, weak, moderate, strong). From an agronomical point of view, the most important soil aggregates are in range 3–1 mm.
soil bioremediation based on aerobic oxidation means that the soil remediation is based on aerobic biodegradation. The microbiological biodegradation occurs in this case on a high redoxpotential of +0,8-+0,6 Volt. The degrading microorganisms utilise the pollutant as enbergy sources. The source of oxigen is the atmospheric air, soil air, or dissolved oxigen in soil moisture or ground water. If the oxigen-concentration is low, the technologist can increase it by aeration of the soil or the groundwater as well as by adding peroxide substances or other oxigene release compounds ORC to serve as oxigene source for the activation of the aerobic soil microbes.
damage to the land's productive capacity because of poor agricultural practices such as
- the excessive use of pesticides or fertilizers,
- soil compaction from heavy equipment, or
- erosion of topsoil,
- salination,
- nutrient depletion,
- humus degradation and
- pollution eventually of the soil, resulting in reduced ability to produce agricultural products.
soil flushing is a process whereby a solution of water, surfactants, or cosolvents is applied to the soil or injected into the subsurface to treat contaminated soil or groundwater. When treating soil, the injection is often designed to raise the water table into the contaminated soil zone. Injected water and treatment agents are recovered together with flushed contaminants.
soil fracturing is an enhancement technology designed to increase the efficiency of other in situ technologies in difficult soil conditions. The fracturing extends and enlarges existing fissures and introduces new fractures, primarily in the horizontal direction. When fracturing has been completed, the formation is then subjected to vapor extraction, either by applying a vacuum to all wells or by extracting from selected wells, while other wells are capped or used for passive air inlet or forced air injection. Technologies commonly used in soil fracturing include pneumatic fracturing (PF) and hydraulic fracturing. Fracturing is applicable to the complete range of contaminant groups with no particular target group. The echnology is used primarily to fracture silts, clays, shale, and bedrock.
Source: EURODEMO Project
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