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Mutagenic, Carcinogenic, Reprotoxic
Mutagenic, Carcinogenic, Reprotoxic and Respiratory Sensitizers

see as reproductive toxicity.


reprotoxic is a chemical substance, which may cause reproductive toxicity. Reproductive toxicity includes adverse effects on sexual function and fertility in adult males and females, as well as developmental toxicity in the offspring.

Reproductive Toxicity is differentiated into:
– adverse effects on sexual function and fertility;
– adverse effects on development;
– effects on or via lactation.

reprotoxicity, REACH

reproductive toxicity is of obvious high concern because the continuance of the human species is dependent on the integrity of the reproductive cycle. It is characterised by multiple diverse endpoints, such as impairment of male and female reproductive functions or capacity (fertility), induction of non-heritable harmful effects on the progeny (developmental toxicity) and effects on or mediated via lactation.
The objectives of assessing reproductive toxicity are to establish:

  • whether exposure of humans to the substance of interest has been associated with reproductive toxicity;
  • whether, on the basis of information other than human data, it can be predicted that the substance will cause reproductive toxicity in humans;
  • whether the pregnant female is potentially more susceptible to general toxicity;
  • the dose-response relationship for any adverse effects on reproduction.

Source: REACH