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ex situ remediation

treatment of contaminated or otherwise damaged environmnetal compartments or phases such as soil, groundwater, soil gas, surface water and sediment after excavation, dredging or extraction. The remedial treatment may be executed on site or off-site by applying physical, chemical, thermal, biological or ecological technologies.

ex situ soil bioremediation in reactors
ex situ soil remediation
ex situ soil treatment
ex situ thermal desorption

thermal desorption is the process whereby wastes are heated so that organic contaminants and water volatilize. Typically, a carrier gas or vacuum system transports the volatilized water and organics to a gas treatment system, such as a thermal oxidation or recovery system. Based on the operating temperature of the desorber, thermal desorption processes can be categorized into two groups: high temperature thermal desorption (320 to 560°C or 600 to 1000°F) and low temperature thermal desorption (90 to 320°C or 200 to 600°F).

ex-situ thermal soil treatment

ex situ thermal treatment of soil contaminants generally involves the destruction or removal of contaminants through exposure to high temperature in treatment cells, combustion chambers, or other means used to contain the contaminated media during the remediation process. The main advantage of ex situ treatments is that they generally require shorter time periods, and there is more certainty about the uniformity of treatment because of the ability to screen, homogenize, and continuously mix the contaminated media; however, ex situ processes require excavation of soils, which increases costs and engineering for equipment, permitting, and materials handling worker safety issues.

Thermal processes use heat to separate, destroy, or immobilize contaminants. Thermal desorption and hot gas decontamination are separation technologies. Pyrolysis and conventional incineration destroy the contaminants. Vitrification destroys or separates organics and immobilizes some inorganics.

Incineration is a heat-based technology that has been used for many years to burn and destroy contaminated materials. Because it is considered to be a conventional rather than an innovative technology, its treatment here is limited to information listed under "Additional Resources."

EX SITU THERMAL DESORPTION involves the application of heat to excavated wastes to volatilize organic contaminants and water. Typically, a carrier gas or vacuum system transports the volatilized water and organics to a treatment system, such as a thermal oxidation or recovery unit. Based on the operating temperature of the desorber, thermal desorption processes can be categorized as either high-temperature thermal desorption (320 to 560ºC or 600 to 1,000ºF) or low-temperature thermal desorption (90 to 320ºC or 200 to 600ºF).

HOT GAS DECONTAMINATION involves raising the temperature of contaminated solid material or equipment to 260ºC (500ºF) for a specified period of time. The gas effluent from the material is treated in an afterburner system to destroy all volatilized contaminants. This method will permit reuse or disposal of scrap as nonhazardous material.

PLASMA HIGH-TEMPERATURE RECOVERY uses a thermal treatment process applied to solids and soils that purges contaminants as metal fumes and organic vapors. The vapors can be burned as fuel, and the metals can be recovered and recycled.

PYROLYSIS is defined as chemical decomposition induced in organic materials by heat in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis typically occurs under pressure and at operating temperatures above 430ºC (800ºF). The pyrolysis gases require further treatment. The target contaminant groups for pyrolysis are SVOCs and pesticides. The process is applicable for the separation of organics from refinery wastes, coal tar wastes, wood-treating wastes, creosote-contaminated soils, hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, mixed (radioactive and hazardous) wastes, synthetic rubber processing wastes, and paint waste.

THERMAL OFF-GAS TREATMENT is one of several approaches that can be used to cleanse the off-gases generated from primary treatment technologies, such as air stripping and soil vapor extraction. In addition to the established thermal treatments, organic contaminants in gaseous form can be destroyed using innovative or emerging technologies, such as alkali bed reactors.

VITRIFICATION technology uses an electric current to melt contaminated soil at elevated temperatures (1,600 to 2,000ºC or 2,900 to 3,650ºF). Upon cooling, the vitrification product is a chemically stable, leach-resistant, glass and crystalline material similar to obsidian or basalt rock. The high temperature component of the process destroys or removes organic materials. Radionuclides and most heavy metals are retained within the vitrified product. Vitrification can be conducted in situ or ex situ.

Source: US-EPA, Clu-In:

excavation, EUGRIS
processes for the removal of soil and other solid material from the ground prior to disposal or ex situ treatment.(Source: EUGRIS)
excess water catchment
exhaust emission
existing chemicals, REACH
existing substance
experimental exposure scenario, REACH
explosive properties
according to REACH the tendency of a substance to undergo violent and rapid decomposition, under appropriate conditions, to produce heat and/or gas. The explosive properties tests are designed to allocate an explosive substance into the appropriate hazard class. There are some substances, which although they do not fall into one of the explosive hazard classes, are on the borderline of being explosive. Consideration should be given to applying a suitable hazard statement to these substances. (
explosive substance

explosive substances are in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. Pyrotechnic substances are included even when they do not evolve gases. Means a solid or liquid substance (or mixture of substances).

Source: REACH


explosive material s or explosives are substances that contain a great amount of stored energy that can produce an explosion, a sudden expansion of the material after initiation, usually accompanied by the production of light, heat, and overpressure.

The energy stored in an explosive material may be

  • chemical energy, such as nitroglycerine or grain dust
  • pressurized compressed gas, such as a gas cylinder or aerosol can
  • nuclear, such as fissile isotopes of uranium-235 and plutonium-239

Some chemical compounds are unstable in that, when shocked, they react, possibly to the point of detonation. Each molecule of the compound dissociates into two or more new molecules (generally gases) with the release of energy. The above compositions may describe the majority of the explosive material, but a practical explosive will often include small percentages of other materials. For example, dynamite is a mixture of highly sensitive nitroglycerin with sawdust, powdered silica, or most commonly diatomaceous earth, which act as stabilizers. Plastics and polymers may be added to bind powders of explosive compounds; waxes may be incorporated to make them safer to handle; aluminium powder may be introduced to increase total energy and blast effects. Explosive compounds are also often "alloyed": HMX or RDX powders may be mixed (typically by melt-casting) with TNT to form Octol or Cyclotol.

Amongst chemical explosives the followings are the most well-known:
Nitroglycerin: a highly unstable and sensitive liquid.
Acetone peroxide: a very unstable white organic peroxide.
TNT: yellow insensitive crystals that can be melted and cast without detonation.
Nitrocellulose: a nitrated polymer which can be a high or low explosive depending on nitration level and conditions.
RDX, PETN, HMX: very powerful explosives which can be used pure or in plastic explosives.
C-4 (or Composition C-4): an RDX plastic explosive plasticized to be adhesive and malleable.

exposure and its assessment

exposure is the concentration or dose of the substance to which humans and the environment are or may be exposed by producing or using the chemical substance or by using contaminated land.

exposure assessment aims to make a quantitative or qualitative estimate of the dose / concentration, which the users are exposed to. exposure assessment under REACH consists of two steps: 1) Development of exposure Scenarios and 2) exposure Estimation, which have to be iterated until it can be concluded that the resulting exposure scenarios would ensure adequate control of risks upon implementation. (Source: REACH Glossary)

exposure by dermal contact
exposure by digestion
exposure by inhalation
exposure information in REACH

The Exposure Information required for substances registered in the 1 to 10 tonne band is defined in Annex VI, 6, of REACH, and is given in the table below.

This information is required in place of the CSR which is required for substances in higher tonnage bands.

Annex VI clauseExposure Information required
6.1Main use category


(a) Industrial use; (b) Professional; (c) Consumer use


Specification for industrial and professional use:
(a) used in closed system;
(b) use resulting in inclusion into or onto matrix;
(c) non-dispersive use;
(d) dispersive use

6.2Significant routes of exposure


Human exposure: (a) oral; (b) dermal; (c) inhalatory.


Environmental exposure: (a) water; (b) air; (c) solid waste; (d) soil.

6.3Pattern of exposure: (a) accidental; (b) occasional; (c) continuous/frequent


Exposure Scenario (ES), REACH
set of conditions, including operational conditions and risk management measures, that describe how the substance is manufactured or used during its life-cycle and how the manufacturer or importer controls, or recommends downstream users to control exposure of humans and the environment. These exposure scenarios may cover one specific process or use or several processes or uses as appropriate. (Source: REACH Glossary)
exposure scenario, REACH

set of conditions, including operational conditions and risk management measures, that describe how the substance is manufactured or used during its life-cycle and how the manufacturer or importer controls, or recommends downstream users to control exposure of humans and the environment. These exposure scenarios may cover one specific process or use or several processes or uses as appropriate. Source: REACH Glossary

in solvent extraction, the portion of a sample preferentially dissolved by the solvent and recovered by physically separating the solvent.
extractable organic halides
see EOX

method to separate components based on their relative solubilities (partition) in two different, immiscible solvents. In extraction" target="_blank">liquid/liquid extraction the solvent (usually organic) dissolves only the desired compounds from the sample solution (usually aqueous solution). In supercritical extraction the solvent is supercritical carbon dioxide. Soxhlet extraction is the tradional way for extracting solid samples, when the sample is connected with freshly boiled solvent in a special apparatus several times. The extraction of soild samples can be intensified by ultrasound (sonication assisted extraction, SAE) or elevated pressure and temperature (pressurized fluid extraction or accelerated fluid extraction, ASE). The solid phase extraction (SPE) is characterized by decreased sample and solvent need. Further miniaturization resulted in solid phase microextraction (SPME), stirbar+extraction and the membrane assisted extraction (MASE) techniques used for sample preparation for chromatography.

extraction from soil by organic solvents

solvent extraction uses an organic solvent as an extractant to separate organic and metal contaminants from soil. The organic solvent is mixed with contaminated soil in an extraction unit. The extracted solution then is passed through a separator, where the contaminants and extractant are separated from the soil. Organically bound metals may be extracted along with the target organic contaminants.

extraction from soil by solvents

solvent extraction from soil uses an organic solvent as an extractant to separate organic and metal contaminants from soil. The organic solvent is mixed with contaminated soil in an extraction unit. The extracted solution then is passed through a separator, where the contaminants and extractant are separated from the soil. Organically bound metals may be extracted along with the target organic contaminants.

extraction of LDNAPL from soil
eye corrosion

eye corrosion is defined in OECD TG 405 as ”the production of tissue damage in the eye, or serious physical decay of vision, following application of a test substance to the anterior surface of the eye, which is not fully reversible within 21 days of application”. In the EU, this effect is assigned “Xi”, and R41.

Eye irritation is defined in OECD TG 405 as “the production of changes in the eye following application of a test substance to the anterior surface of the eye, which are fully reversible within 21 days of application”.
In the EU this effect is assigned “Xi” and R36.

eye irritation

eye irritation is defined in OECD TG 405 as “the production of changes in the eye following application of a test substance to the anterior surface of the eye, which are fully reversible within 21 days of application”.
In the EU this effect is assigned “Xi” and R36.

Eye corrosion is defined in OECD TG 405 as ”the production of tissue damage in the eye, or serious physical decay of vision, following application of a test substance to the anterior surface of the eye, which is not fully reversible within 21 days of application”. In the EU, this effect is assigned “Xi”, and R41

Source: REACH

flame atomic absorption spectroscopy most frequently used technique for determination of elements; flame is applied for atomization.
fallow land

land under lay farming. It means that the land is out of crop for one year.


FAO = Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations; one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. An intergovernmental organisation, FAO has 180 member countries plus one member organisation, the European Community.

See also:

far infrared (FIR)
far space, noise
fate of inorganic pollutants in soil
fate of organic pollutants in soil

the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments, responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), veterinary products, and cosmetics.

The FDA also enforces other laws, notably Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act and associated regulations, many of which are not directly related to food or drugs. These include sanitation requirements on interstate travel and control of disease on products ranging from certain household pets to sperm donation for assisted reproduction.

The FDA is led by a Commissioner of Food and Drugs, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Commissioner reports to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The 21st and current Commissioner is Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg. She has served as Commissioner since February 2009.

The FDA has its headquarters at Rockville, Maryland and has 223 field offices and 13 laboratories located throughout the 50 states, the United States Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.

Source: Wikipedia

See also European Food Safety Authority


foot, plural: feet is a non-SI unit of length in a number of different systems including English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units. Its size can vary from system to system, but in each is around a quarter to a third of a meter.

The most commonly used foot today is the international foot. There are 3 feet in a yard and 12 inches in a foot.

July 1, 1959 the length of the international yard in the United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations was defined as 0.9144 meters. Consequently, the international foot is defined to be equal to 0.3048 meters (equivalent to 304.8 millimeters).

feetkilometers0.000 304 8
feetmeters0.304 8
feetstatute miles0.000 189 39
feetyards0.333 333 3
feet, cubicbushels0.803 563 95
feet, cubiccubic decimeters28.316 847
feet, cubiccubic inches1,728
feet, cubiccubic meters0.028 316 846 592
feet, cubiccubic yards0.037 037 04
feet, cubicdry pints51.428 09
feet, cubicdry quarts25.714 05
feet, cubicgallons7.480 519
feet, cubicgills239.376 6
feet, cubicliquid ounces957.506 5
feet, cubicliquid pints59.844 16
feet, cubicliquid quarts29.922 08
feet, cubicliters28.316 846 592
feet, cubicpecks3.214 256
feet, squareacres0.000 022 956 8
feet, squaresquare centimeters929.030 4
feet, squaresquare decimeters9.290 304
feet, squaresquare inches144
feet, squaresquare meters0.092 903 04
feet, squaresquare yards0.111 111 1
FETAX teratogeneity test

Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay − Xenopus (FETAX)

Flame Ionization Detetor, the most often used detector in gas chromatography. Suitable for detecting organic compounds.
field application
genarally the first application of a new technology on the field.
field blank, field reference

blanks are defined as matrices that have negligible or unmeasurable amounts of the substance of interest. Field blanks are prepared by transferring the analyte-free media from one vessel to another or by exposing the media to the sampling environment at the sampling site.

Capped and cleaned containers are taken to the sample collection site. Usually each sampling team should collect one field blank a day per collection apparatus; the field blank matrix should be comparable to the sample of interest.

For example a field blank water sample consist of deionized water that is carried to the sampling site and exposed to the air there so that any contamination from the air can be measured and accounted for.

Field reference sample is similar to field blanks except the bottles contain media of known analyte concentration. More costly, but have more informational content than field blank.

field demonstration
first field application of a new method or technology.
field experiment