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contaminant hydrology
the study of the environmental fate and transport of antropogenic chemicals in groundwater (Source: EUGRIS)
contaminant, pollutant

separate liquid phase of a non-water-soluble organic contaminant in surface and subsurface waters, sediments and soils.

contaminants transformation in living organisms
contaminants uptake by living organisms
emerging contaminants

pollutants that have been recently discovered in the environment such as endocrine or immune disruptors. Emerging contaminants are chemicals or materials of interest that are characterized by: - perceived or real threat to human health or environment. - lack of a published health standards or an evolving standard. - contaminant may also be "emerging" because of the discovery of a new source, a new pathway to humans, or a new detection method or technology

microbial degradation of contaminants
soil remediation based on the immobilisation of the contaminant